Thursday, July 2, 2009

What If Nobody Is Clicking On Your Ads?

In the past couple of days, I've received basically 2 different emails from a few different people.

Email 1 basically says: "What is your secret? My ads are getting a lot of clicks! How are you targeting these visitors?"

Email 2 basically says: "What is wrong with your system. My ads aren't getting any clicks, at all."

There is something very important to understand about the one thing both of these emails have in common:

The Advertiser Creates the Results!

To put it simply:

When the ad is getting clicks, it means the advertiser hit the target and the ad is working.

AND ...

When the ad isn't getting clicks, it means the advertiser missed the target and the ad just isn't working.

I've been on both sides of this.

I've written ads that just ROCK! People click on them and go to my offer. That's a good ad!

I've written ads that just FLOPPED, too. People see it and could care less.

When this happens (and it happens to all of us), there is only one thing left to do:

Rewrite the ad!

Maybe it's the headline.
Maybe it's the ad copy.
Maybe it's the call to action.

The only way to know is to test.

This is where your TOAN account can really help you out! Because you can run unlimited ads, it is easy to create multiple versions of an ad.

This is known in the advertising business as "split-run" testing where you test multiple versions of an ad to see which is more effective.

To test headlines, create 3 (or more) versions of an ad.
Make sure they all have the same exact ad copy and call to action.
Make sure each one has a different headline.

Run all three ads and see which one gets more clicks over the course of 1,000 exposures or more.

To test your copy, now you go in and edit those ads.

Make sure they all 3 use the most effective headline and change the ad copy.

Run all three ads and see which ad gets more clicks over the course of 1,000 exposures or more.

By using this process, you can fine-tune all of your advertising so that you are running only the most impactful ads you can create.

Remember: EVERYONE (including the owner of the company) writes ads that just fall flat. I go through this same process, myself, to create ads that get results.

It's a mix of science and art when it's all said and done. The only way to KNOW is to test ... test ... and test some more.

The ONLY opinion that matters is the opinion of your prospects. They tell you their opinion when they click (or don't click) your ad.

Brian Rooney

1 comment:

  1. Could you do an update blog on how your business is going, I run what is a small upstart review site and am interested in your ideas. Also, is there a reason so few of your blog entries get comments?

    Anyway, I will link to your site but in order to maintain a degree of neutrality I will not create any kind of affiliate link. Good luck!


This is not a place for ads for TOAN. This is a blog that can be used for discussions, asking questions, sharing tips and insights, etc... The folks that are using this forum are most likely already advertising with TOAN so putting an ad for your TOAN Affiliate URL really would be fairly pointless.

Some Of Our Advertisers

Publications: Books, Ezines, Articles, and Magazines about making money from home.

Computers: Computer related, hardware, software, and service.

Financial: Merchant Accounts, payment processors, lenders, etc...

Internet: Web Hosting, web design, programming, internet service, etc...

Leads: Lead generation tools, services, safe-lists, etc...

Nutrition: Health, wellness, and beauty products.

Surfing: Paid to surf, surf-exchange, etc...

Telecom: Opportunities and services in the telecom industry.

Training: Business coaching, training, and mentoring programs.

Travel: Opportunities within the travel industry.

General Listings - Everything else you might need for your home based business.